Be sure to visit their excellent website for more on weird fighting games like the cancelled Vicious Circle! Tatsujin of GemuBaka, who's going to introduce themselves below, so I can let them do that. This time, the wonderful person being tagged in is of course D.J. Reckon I can pop the kettle on and put my feet up instead for this one. I won't even have to fill in to do the captions for the images, they were all written for us and they're actually useful ones rather than our usual claptrap. Can you imagine the relief of being able to edit someone else's text again, and not that of the normal lack-a-daisy writer of this site? It's great, superb, I'm in heaven.

Tatsujin of GemuBaka!Īs you have no doubt noticed thanks to the bit of text above, this is a Guest Article. WWF WrestleMania- You're de-referencing a null pointer! Open your eyes!